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  • Elijah J Firebrace

Round 10 we bravely battled the Lower Plenty Bears

Round 10 we bravely battled the Lower Plenty Bears. As the 4th quarter came to an end, the score board read-

St Albans Saints: 4.8.32 Lower Plenty 9.11.65

We may have lost in the digits, but in our heart we knew we were the true victors!

As the Stats would have it, we will be facing the Bears once again in the Semi Final this Sunday!

Our new players played so well, though unfortunately our numbers were again too few, although we had a great comeback in the 3rd quarter, we were literally over run, with there Bears out numbering us!

And this just in, according to FIDA's Saints supa-star Jason Heagerty himself the Saints will be armed with a full team at their disposal. And this time we're not going to fall for the Bear trap, coz the Bears will barely stand a chance, with God on our side it's our time to shine!

Here you can see a baby Bear has lost his way from the pack and nervously trying to find his parents.

In an exclusive prime time interview with FIDA stars Joe Taverna and Elijah Firebrace, the Bears are given a stern warning in the lead up to the semi final show down. Spirits are high, footies are pumped and shoes are gonna be tied double knot. Get ready for some exciting game play and watch out for when we release our secret weapon...

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