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  • Writer's pictureElijah Firebrace


Sadly, the Saints dreams of qualifying for the 2016 FIDA grand final have, as of last Saturday been shattered. In this milestone semi final appearance the team put up a mighty fight in their Round 11 match against the Lower Plenty Bears, though in the end moral was the true victim, suffering heavy blows from low numbers and multiple injuries... However this is not the last you hear of the Saints! With pre season starting in a matter of weeks, come next season we'll be drinking from that cup!

According to eye whiteness on the scene, injury was a leading coarse of this prime time semi final loss. With stars like Daniel Steven and his mate Trent suffering from soreness with heaps of lactic acid build up, and all-rounda superstar James Webb out with busted leg. I myself endured a dirty cheap shot elbow to the stomach.

Ian Mckenzie's (Official coach of the Saints) hopes for a strong defensive strategy were brutally crushed not long into the first half. The ferocious offensive Bear formations penetrated the Saints defences, and before long they produced a commanding lead throughout the match.

  • Players to be commended for their bravery on the field are Joe Zapelli, Paul Kivits , Jason Heagerty, and myself for great square play.

The Bears would qualify for the next Round 12 grand Final, where they will battle the reigning FIDA champions The Williamstown Seagulls.

The Teams founding star defender Jason Heagerty's also celebrated his 20th Game Milestone. A great player and allround deadly bloke. Good onya Jimmy!

He should also be praised for all his fine work maintaining the teams all important public image on social media. Thanks again mate, good stuff. All in all Heagerty's die hard behind the scenes dedication to the making the Saints what they are today is unparalleled and he's my hot favourite for a gold medal in the next 2020 Tokyo Olympics

As for the mighty Saints our 2016 journey comes to a dramatic end. Though we come away feeling proud of our efforts throughout the season, and stoked to come away with all the fond memories and friends for life. For us footy isn’t just a chance to get fit to impress the ladies, it’s also a way of life, and for the past 3 months we’ve proven that our diversity has strengthened our spirits. I look back at how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown from lost weary citizens to true champions of the planet. The footy field has been our church, and only God and his son Jesus know of the gruelling, muddy sacrifices we made as well as the our triumphs off pure will. Together we’ve tasted victory with our famous unprecedented winning streaks, and learned of bitter heartache, losing like we did to the Bears on the weekend, though what made it amazing was we did it together... Footy brings good people together in solidarity and turns them into true local heroes. We have made our club proud because never before has a FIDA St Albans team made it as far a semi final.


An thus with this new found knowledge we will keep our spirits alive and maintain this positive momentum well into this upcoming pre-season.

I truly hope to see everyone, including our fans at the St Albans FIDA Saints Presentation Night upcoming on Wednesday August 31st 2016 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Can't wait. Love you team and remember

RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! ... including Mr Miyagi

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