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  • Writer's pictureElijah Firebrace

Happy Birthday 27 Elijah Firebrace

THIS is an exciting year to be turning 27! Mum, Joe Chrystal and I are going to be camping this year in Daylesford.. please find attached a scrumptious selection of treats i hope to be eating on this joyous day. I want to congratulate Jesus and Mumma Sharon Firebrace for bringing me life and all the other mother's out there who had children on the 19th of October 1989.

There's going to be a lot of dancing, playing musical instruments especially the drums. I look forward to singing some of my favourite songs which includes Michael Jackson's Billie Jean, James Blunt's hit new single from Some Kind of Trouble and I'll throw some Kylie in there too for good luck. Look out for me on the dance floor, I'll be taking autographs. Everyones invited if you can find your own transport. Peace.

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