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  • Elijah Firebrace reports


Juvenile detention centres in Victoria are bursting at the seams!

The Andrews fascist corporate government has breached human rights act by incarcerating 15 youth in Barwon adult prison.

Privatization of prisons in Australia must urgently be revised and reformed. Our nations youth are under siege as the juvenile detention customs and policies enters crisis mode.

Justice Garde said the Victorian Human Rights Charter guaranteed that children could not be "treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or degrading manner", and must be offered protection that was in their best interests. The teenagers' treatment at Barwon breached these safeguards, he said. THE AGE

If facilities have reached maximum capacity, it may be a sure sign of the times we need to address juvenile crime on a social level, rather than making it a multi-billion dollar enterprise, of which the panama papers revealed that Chinese Kwok Brothers control Wilson Security.

Andrews government must release these children immediately from unconstitutional confinement or pay the consequences at a supreme court level.

check out the full article from The Age here.

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