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  • Writer's pictureElijah Firebrace

SPEECH FREEDOM: Why we can't afford more Fascism!

Just because Trump doesn’t wear a Swastika doesn’t mean he’s not a Nazi or white supremacist for that matter.

History books will tell us of only a few leaders who have risen to tyranny, riding on the votes of a betrayed working class. However history itself will never recall such a racist, misogynistic bigot fooling his way to the top of Planets Earths greatest known empire.

It's no coincidence that Hitler and Trump shares some interesting common ground. Though it would be just as interesting to note that Eugenics was engineered in America. So perhaps we're simply seeing the States recycle some of it's more sinister movements.

Evidence is piling up against the new President suggesting his allegiances with the infamous Klu Klux Klan. Where Trump is frequently being endorsed by donations as well as klan member appearances at Trump rallies. Also present have been neo nazi fascist groups that have crawled from their holes in response to racist xenophobic and violence inciting rhetoric Trump has inflicted in his campaign.

Please take some time to go through our research and make up your own minds as to whether we can continue to tolerate a man who stands by such sadistic values. If we continue to normalise this bad behaviour we will quickly find ourselves at the mercy of a tyrannous madman, who is mimicked around the globe!

The Loyal White Knights will hold a parade on December 3 in North Carolina.

The group has about 200 members”

Late last month, in an interview with Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, CNN host Jake Tapper asked the candidate whether he would disavow an endorsement from longtime Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist celebrity David Duke. Trump declined. "I don't know anything about David Duke," he said. Moments later, he added, "I know nothing about white supremacists".

Trump has since walked back his comments, blaming his hesitance to condemn the Klan on a "bad earpiece." The matter has now been filed away into the ever-growing archives of volatile statements Trump has made about race and ethnicity during the current election cycle—a list that includes kicking off his presidential campaign by calling Mexicans rapists, calling for the "'total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," and commenting that perhaps a Black Lives Matter protester at one of his rallies "should have been roughed up."




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