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  • Writer's pictureElijah Firebrace


Protecting parents from baddies, and armed criminals.

Always use these methods in self defense, never use violence as a first resort.

Words are more powerful than bullets and fists.

Jesus Loves you.

Elijah J. Bond

The front kick in martial arts is a kick executed by lifting the knee straight forward, while keeping the foot and shin either hanging freely or pulled to the hip, and then straightening the leg in front of the practitioner and striking the target area. It is desirable to retract the leg immediately after delivering the kick, to avoid the opponent trying to grapple the leg and (unless a combination is in process) to return to stable fighting stance.

The front kick described is the typical basic front kick of karate or taekwondo. But the front kick can also be defined more broadly as a straight forward kick directly to the front, and then include several variations from many different styles. A front kick can be delivered forward in a penetrating way (hip thrust), or upwards to attack the head.

Stopping Armed Bullies!

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