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  • Writer's pictureElijah Firebrace

Kickboxing FootWorkShop for Pros!

Have you ever thought of dramatically improving your martial arts practice? Correct footwork used in Kickboxing may be your answer! Here are some new techniques I'm incorporating into my routine. Learn from the masters and never stop practicing!

Kicking is where you are using your feet and your shins as spears and swords. Common kicks are Foot Jabs, Side Kicks, Hook Kicks and Heel Hook Kicks. Note that the fighting stance is different for Kicking than for Boxing. For Kicking, your fighting stance will have you leaning back more so you can reach and extend with your legs. This is in opposition to the fighting stance for Boxing where you’ll be leaning forward more so you’ll have more power for your punches.

The key element to remember is to lift your left knee up as high as possible so you can generate maximum power for your kick. Strike with the ball of your foot and be sure to extend your leg as much as possible so that you can be as far away as possible while still striking the target.

Be sure to study the details below to help you perfect your Left Foot Jab

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